The SWEET Gals Guide to Mama's "Back to School" Ritual

As we quickly come to find out, being a mom is the hardest and most rewarding job we will ever have. From pregnancy to infancy then onto childhood, teenage years and even adulthood- this rings true. Of course this doesn’t look the same for every mom at every stage. For some infancy is the hardest- the sleepless nights, cluster feedings, even the constant worrying and adjusting to motherhood is enough to make any sane person lose it (even if its just a little bit). For some its the toddler years- potty training, the attitudes, OH THE ATTITUDES, the busy bodies and getting into just about everything. For others it the teenage years- all the worry comes back with a vengeance, and the attitudes, OH THE ATTITUDES.
I think one thing most moms can agree on however, is back to school is a time to rejoice! By the end of summer most of us are begging for routine (some kiddos too) and if it isn’t the routine then we are rejoicing in the fact that it is someone else’s turn to entertain the kiddos for a bit (just me?).
But not long after the excitement wears off its back to packing lunches, homework reminders, sports/extracurricular activities, parent/teacher conferences and requests for book fair money. And this is all during a normal back to school year. This year, parents are also navigating district transfers, switching to homeschooling or virtual learning or even blended learning. That normal back to school excitement has changed into something much more draining, exhausting and even overwhelming. But don’t worry, mama. You are not alone.
This won’t last forever, and even if it does, you were made to do hard things.
You are teaching your children to persevere and adapt in the face of things unknown and different. You are giving them an opportunity to learn how to use a computer (if they didn’t already know) because let's face it, there isn’t going to be a decline in technology usage as they get older. You are giving them a chance for independence and to earn trust as they show you how hard they can focus and concentrate. Mostly, you are teaching them grace. Grace for the teachers who are learning along with us, grace for the pre-k and kindergartners who are so new to all this, grace for the school districts as they navigate what’s best for parents, students and employees, and grace for yourself mama.
The SWEET Gals are here to remind you to rejoice in your constants and give grace everywhere else. To rally where and with whom you can and to find those little joys of ‘going back to school’ wherever you can.
Try these little joys throughout your day…
1. Enjoy a HOT cup of coffee while the kids login to their first Zoom, Google, Seesaw or Canvas class.
2. If you still have young kiddos that need constant help on the computer, set up a comfy spot next to them and read a book you’ve been wanting to get to in between the helping.
3. Make lunch together and actually enjoy it at the breakfast/dinner table and use this time to reassure them (and yourself) that y'all are KILLING. IT.
4. RECESS. Take FULL advantage of this. Maybe you use this time to workout together or maybe recess takes place in the backyard so mom can enjoy a few minutes of quiet. Double whammy if your kids are old enough to walk the dog!
5. Go for a treat at the end of the day. For our family, tradition is going to get frozen yogurt so stacked it could feed a small village after the first week of school.
If you are looking for a community of mamas to rally with head over to our Max Mamas VIP Facebook group and let's all laugh and cry about our ‘back to school’ successes and failures- together.
I think one thing most moms can agree on however, is back to school is a time to rejoice! By the end of summer most of us are begging for routine (some kiddos too) and if it isn’t the routine then we are rejoicing in the fact that it is someone else’s turn to entertain the kiddos for a bit (just me?).
But not long after the excitement wears off its back to packing lunches, homework reminders, sports/extracurricular activities, parent/teacher conferences and requests for book fair money. And this is all during a normal back to school year. This year, parents are also navigating district transfers, switching to homeschooling or virtual learning or even blended learning. That normal back to school excitement has changed into something much more draining, exhausting and even overwhelming. But don’t worry, mama. You are not alone.
This won’t last forever, and even if it does, you were made to do hard things.
You are teaching your children to persevere and adapt in the face of things unknown and different. You are giving them an opportunity to learn how to use a computer (if they didn’t already know) because let's face it, there isn’t going to be a decline in technology usage as they get older. You are giving them a chance for independence and to earn trust as they show you how hard they can focus and concentrate. Mostly, you are teaching them grace. Grace for the teachers who are learning along with us, grace for the pre-k and kindergartners who are so new to all this, grace for the school districts as they navigate what’s best for parents, students and employees, and grace for yourself mama.
The SWEET Gals are here to remind you to rejoice in your constants and give grace everywhere else. To rally where and with whom you can and to find those little joys of ‘going back to school’ wherever you can.
Try these little joys throughout your day…
1. Enjoy a HOT cup of coffee while the kids login to their first Zoom, Google, Seesaw or Canvas class.
2. If you still have young kiddos that need constant help on the computer, set up a comfy spot next to them and read a book you’ve been wanting to get to in between the helping.
3. Make lunch together and actually enjoy it at the breakfast/dinner table and use this time to reassure them (and yourself) that y'all are KILLING. IT.
4. RECESS. Take FULL advantage of this. Maybe you use this time to workout together or maybe recess takes place in the backyard so mom can enjoy a few minutes of quiet. Double whammy if your kids are old enough to walk the dog!
5. Go for a treat at the end of the day. For our family, tradition is going to get frozen yogurt so stacked it could feed a small village after the first week of school.
If you are looking for a community of mamas to rally with head over to our Max Mamas VIP Facebook group and let's all laugh and cry about our ‘back to school’ successes and failures- together.