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Nailmatic Cluck Cluck Bath Bombs


This fun box contains 4 bath bombs for kids. A great surprise that comes with a promise: 4 unforgettable coloured baths.

Let's hop on a sugar-free eggs' hunt cruise: pure wonder for kids, relief for parents, what perfect equation! Plant Cleanliness is in sight: expect feelgood and relaxation along the way. Little sailors and mermaids, at the ready!

Cluck Cluck Bath Bombs (8067075277108)
Cluck Cluck Bath Bombs (8067075277108)
Cluck Cluck Bath Bombs (8067075277108)
Cluck Cluck Bath Bombs (8067075277108)
Cluck Cluck Bath Bombs (8067075277108)
Cluck Cluck Bath Bombs (8067075277108)

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